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In 2007, at the age of forty-three, Jacqueline made some major decisions that transformed her life. As an ambitious workaholic, she resigned from her HR position with a software development company and sold her treasured spa business to a trusted friend in order to nurture her intuitive skills and begin a life coach practice. The transition demanded patience and faith as she stepped into unfamiliar territory to answer her current calling of Intuitive Healing Coach. In 2010, her only child, Erik was involved in a life-threatening motorcycle accident. The story of his miraculous survival as a paraplegic was so unbelievable that she was inspired to write an award winning independently published book which poignantly validated her calling as an Intuitive Healing Coach - healing body, mind and spirit.

Business Management Degree - CCAC, Pittsburgh PA

International Association of Coaches - Coaching Certification

CTA Massage Therapy Certification - Pittsburgh, PA

Enneagram Coaches Training - Roxanne Howe-Murphy

Mentor Coach Training - International Coaches Federation

Reiki Master Training - Doborah Donoghue - Pittsburgh, PA

Enneagram - Sister Lois Dideon - Kearns Spirituality Center - Pittsburgh, PA

Pittsburgh Coaches Association - Former VP of Marketing